طرق السعادة




What we really need in order to find happiness in our lives is to feel that we are truly valuable in this world, that our lives have meaning, that we feel that we are making a difference in this life, that we have a real existence; This is because a person needs more than eating and drinking to feel happiness in life, and a person can simply feel it when he meets my charity.Possessing all the necessities of living, achieving self-sufficiency, and all the requirements of comfort without a purpose and meaning in life cannot lead to a feeling of happiness, although it may lead to a feeling of temporary pleasure only.Happiness is not a state of well-being, or pleasure, or the transition from one joy to another; Happiness is the actual pursuit and hard work that aligns with what you love to do and desire to achieve.True happiness is enjoying your own relationships, living in peace and harmony with your body, mind, and spirit, and fully accepting yourself and who you are.The means that motivate a person to feel happy is how to meditate to set goals for the self to be achieved: a person who is always busy and burdened with work; The most effective way for him to be happy and to break free from the depression that he acquires with the whirlpool of work is to make steady and steady progress toward the goals he has set for himself. Although it seems simple or easy, it is a difficult way to achieve happiness, and of course the goals differ from one person to another, but the means to achieve them are similar for different people, which is the steady and steady progress to reach meaningful goals, and the existence of meaning or significance for these It is the goals that achieve happiness, not setting goals in themselves, because a person can achieve success in goals that he set for himself, but it does not create a feeling of happiness for him.Happiness is based on requirements, which are the enjoyment of good health, sufficient income to meet the basic needs, the presence of passion in a person’s life, the person’s preoccupation with a productive work or activity, specific and achievable goals for life, the good behavior of a person among the factors for achieving happiness for himself, in addition to the previous requirements, he should meet The individual has the ability to overlook the causes of unhappiness in his life. If you are the richest person in the world and you have money, but in the absence of health or neglect the art of managing relationships with others, you will not reach happiness.